Monday, October 15, 2012

Get To Know Brittany

Brittany Tomasi
Birthday: September 30th, 1981
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Where were you born: Weymouth, Massachusetts
Where do you live now: Orlando, Florida
How many times have you moved: 6 Times! First to California after I graduated High School, Then To Germany with my first husband (he was in the U.S Airforce) Then to New Jersey with my Ex, Then back to Massachusetts when I was going through my Divorce, then to Missouri with my Now Husband, Then here to Florida.
Hair Color: Light/Medium Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Four, Boston Bruins logo on my right ankle, Rose and Heart on my left ankle, Fairy tramp stamp and kiss mark on my neck.
Piercings: Just my ears

Color: Orange and Pink
Food: Home cooked Italian Meals (The only reason I married an Italian man)
Candy: Depends on my mood. Sometimes I want Chocolate, sometimes I want fruity things. I like Many different kinds, but a few are Jolly Ranchers,Gummy Bears,Starburst, Rolos, Skors bars,Ghirardelli chocolates,Lidnt Truffles,Toblerone Bars
Movie: A League Of Their Own, Queen Of The Damned, The Craft.
TV Show: Once Upon A Time, The X Factor, Intervention, The Golden Girls, The First 48, Roseanne, Real Housewives Of Orange County, Big Bang Theory
Actor: Bruce Willis
Actress: I don't really have one, I like many Actresses
Favorite Author: Amanda Hocking
Band or Singer: Singer-Britney Spears: Band-Hinder
Song: Favorite songs always change, but right now, "Hall Of Fame" By The Script
Holiday: Halloween
Season: Summer
Day of the week: Friday
Store: The Christmas Tree Shop
Restaurant: Olive Garden
Sport: Hockey
Animal: Dogs
Flower: Daffodils
*Have you ever*
Danced in the rain: Yes
Tripped and had an embarrassing fall: You can't go through life and not!
Smoked: Yes
Got drunk: Again, who hasn't
Gone skinny dipping: Yes
been in a car accident: No, Knock on wood!
been in love: Yes
met the President: No, but i'd love too
met a celebrity: Yes, The singer Meat Loaf
cried over a movie: Yes
laughed so hard you cried: Many Times!
cried for no reason at all: If your a woman, you def have!

*the last*
thing you said: "Study the words with the X's next to them" (quizzing my son in vocab)
thing you ate: Cheese and Crackers
song you heard: The Roseanne Theme song
movie you saw: Sanctum
cd you bought: Kelly Clarkson: Stronger
book you read: I'm reading Switched by Amanda Hocking
phone call: My Husband
Text: Brittany A.
person you yelled at: My Husband

*This or that*

pepsi or coke: Coke
mcdonalds or burger king: McDonalds
chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
tv or movies: TV
colored pencils or markers: Markers
sun or moon: Moon
day or night: Night
pants or shorts: Shorts ( I live in Florida)
long sleeve or short sleeve: Short Sleeve
n'sync or backstreet boys: Neither
burgers or hot dogs: Burgers
rock or rap: Rock
Text or phone: Text
romantic comedy or thriller: Thriller
waffles or pancakes: Waffles
peanut butter or jelly: Jelly

do you believe in love at first sight: No
have you ever wished upon a star: Yes
what other language (s) do you speak: None, Just English
if you dyed your hair what color would you dye it: Blonde highlights
if you could change your name what would you change it to: Leia
what's the weather like right now: Sunny and about 85
what instruments do you play: None
do you talk to yourself a lot: Not enough to make me nuts.
best place you have visited:
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (it will always have a special place in my heart, as that is where my husband Proposed)
best day of your life: The birth of my son.
worst day of your life: Finding out my Ex husband was cheating on me with my then, best friend
pet peeves: People who expect you to speak Spanish and when you don't they look like they want to huck a lougie at you, like you disgust them. HELLO THIS IS AMERICA, Learn English!
what are you most proud of: Getting back on my own two feet after my divorce and proving that I can handle anything life hands me.
what is your goal for this year: Be Pregnant before 2014

I pass this along to anyone on Blogger who wishes to participate!

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