Monday, October 15, 2012

Care To Share?

Being new to Blogger, well sorta new! I haven't been around this community for a few years!

Anyone out there know of any Great Pagan/Wiccan blogs to follow?
Or any just AWESOME blogs in general? (They don't have to be spirituality based)

If you know of a few I should take a peek at, Please leave the link in the comments section!

Hugs and Blessings!


  1. Here's two blogs that I read frequently - they usually update atleast once a week. and I'm on the hunt for some new blogs to follow as most of the other blogs I still follow haven't posted anything for months... If you find any great blogs send them my way so I can as well check them out =)

    1. Thanks Daaahling!
      I am already following Amanda Hocking! LOVE HER! I just recently found her books and am IN LOVE with the Trylle series! Can't wait to read the rest of her books!
